Tuesday 30 June 2015


A great pair of shoes makes everything alright; a movie sex in the city has already taught us that.
What is it in shopping for shoes that makes women so happy? Well there is a psychological explanation for women’s obsession for shoes!!!
 As there is always an unexplainable feeling associated with buying a new pair of shoe. You may know that Dopamine releases good feelings throughout the body. And what if we tell you that shopping for shoes releases dopamine, too? It’s true.

Women who wear high heels portray the status of power. Heels make women feel taller and more confident. Therefore heels help women to reach euphoric state. However women have a tendency to rationalize their shoe collection because it is a necessity. There you go, that’s already four pairs of shoes right there. Now you get into the argument of color and style, and it becomes reasonable to have over ten pairs of shoes in the closet at least. In fact, an average woman admits to owning at least 10 pairs of shoes, and one in every 12 women claims to have over 100 pairs.

We as humans are hunters. We like to hunt out and stalk our prey, only to kill and devour it. While, shoes online for women in India buy actually resembles this instinctual habit.
Mere thought of shopping provides us with a rush of Dopamine. Once we arrive at our destination, or better yet, if it’s online, our dopamine levels are still up there. We shop and search for our prey. Then we feel a sense of accomplishment when we find it. Some women may simply make excuses for their exorbitant shoe collections, be it boots online shopping India or heels shopping online. However, there appears to be a psychological reasoning behind shoe purchases and shoe wearing. Whether achieving a dopamine rush or a state of euphoria, shoes provide us with all of the satisfying sensations we love.

So, what are you waiting for? Stop feeling guilty for your shoe shopping. Now you can blame it on psychology. Is it time for a new pair of shoes?